Tuesday, August 30, 2011

“Bon appétit!” -Julia Child

The inspiring master chef, Julia Child once said, “until I discovered cooking, I was never really interested in anything.” My problem has been quite the opposite. From a young age I have, in fact, been infinitely interested in countless pursuits. In fact, I once even entertained being a ninja and took a full month of Karate before moving on to become a drummer.  Two years later, my drum-set was collecting dust and I was buying my first guitar.  God bless my parents and their willingness to humor and support my dreams of being an Olympic spring boarder and putting up with a lifetime supply of Island Magazines for my determination to own a Caribbean resort.  No, Julia, a lack interests has never been my issue. Perhaps my issue was that I had too many.  Too many to fit in cooking, that is. 

When it comes to cooking…well, let’s just say I can’t remember the last time I cooked something other than a quesadilla, salad, or on those rare-motivated mornings an omelet.  (While I would like to put in a side note and say something along the lines of, “to be fair, I make an excellent quesadilla, salad, and omelet,” when I take into consideration how often I make these three items, they better be damn good!) 

Over the weekend Hurricane Irene blew in all sorts of things and to my surprise, motivation to cook was one of them! Blame it on cabin fever or one quesadilla too many (if that’s even possible?), but Sunday night I found myself googling recipes and creating my game plan. Monday I would cook.

And cook I did! My recipe of choice was Spinach & Feta Stuffed Chicken.  This particular recipe had received 60 reviews and all but four reviewers gave it a 5/5 (the other four debbie-downers gave it a 4/5). Each review mentioned how “easy” it was, in fact one person went as so far to say it was, “impossible to botch.”  I figured that if 60 people found it easy, that significantly upped my odds of success.  Besides, if I mess up something “impossible to botch” that will be a sign to stick with my dynamic trio.  

I spent the first 30 minutes stressing over what to most cooks might seem like obvious details “how will I know when the spinach is done cooking?” and “what is a cutlet!?” But eventually I succumbed to Julia’s approach: “In cooking you've got to have a 'What the hell?' attitude.” I poured myself a glass of Chardonnay, turned up the tunes, and went to work.  The result? Deliciousness. The chicken turned out great – tender, flavorful, dare I say, succulent. The side dish, on the other hand, a bit better than mediocre.  However, according to Julia, “no one is born a great cook, one learns by doing.”  I have no idea where my side-dish took a turn for the average, but I am hoping a quick call home will get me back on the straight and narrow (it’s one of mom’s specialties).  

Julia Child was 32 when she first started cooking – “up until then, I just ate." This resonates all too well. For most of my adult life, I have just been eating.  However, last night, for the first time, I cooked.  Where erstwhile laid a salad, I sat down to a well balanced delicious meal of my own creation.  I suppose this means my Caribbean resort owning aspirations will have to wait a bit longer while I graduate from culinary school.

*Just to be fair, this is not my picture.  Although my chicken did turn out great, it was not this picturesque (something to work towards, I suppose).  Should you want to take a stab at the deliciousness, you can find the recipe here: http://www.food.com/recipe/spinach-feta-stuffed-chicken-breast-quick-easy-224947

And remember, it’s “impossible to botch.” So, no pressure.

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